The process of striking off a company, also known as dissolution, is usually straightforward.
However, sometimes, a party may object to this procedure, putting a halt to the process.
This article will guide you through the steps to identify who objected to your company’s strike-off, what to do next, and the grounds for such objections.
How to Find Out Who Objected to Your Company Strike Off
When a company is proposed for dissolution in the UK, a notice is published by Companies House in The Gazette.
The notice serves to inform any interested party about the upcoming dissolution, allowing them the opportunity to object if they have justifiable grounds.
The reasons for objections can vary significantly, ranging from outstanding debts and ongoing legal disputes to improper procedures during the application for dissolution.
If an objection to the strike-off is lodged, the company’s director or secretary is usually informed.
The communication they receive from Companies House indicates that there has been an objection to the dissolution, effectively halting the process.
Companies House, however, does not typically disclose the identity of the objector in their initial communication.
This policy can often leave companies in the dark about who is causing a potential delay in their dissolution process.
You might find yourself asking questions such as: Who would have an interest in stopping the dissolution?
Is it a creditor, an employee, a shareholder, or perhaps a member of the public?
If you wish to find out who objected, you can make a request to Companies House under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
This Act allows access to recorded information held by public sector organisations in the UK.
However, be aware that Companies House may not always be able to reveal this information, especially if the objector has requested anonymity or if there are legal reasons preventing disclosure.
While this can be frustrating, it’s important to respect the process and follow the correct channels in your quest for answers.
Violating data protection and privacy laws can lead to severe penalties and will not help the dissolution process move forward.
How to Contact Companies House to Find Out Who Objected to the Strike Off
To find out who objected to the strike-off of your company, you will need to reach out to Companies House directly.
There are several ways to do this. One of them is to send a written letter to the registrar stating your request.
In this letter, you should include the details of your company, including its name and registration number, the date when you received the communication about the objection and a clear request for the identity of the objector.
Remember also to provide your contact information so that Companies House can reach you with their response.
Below is a letter sample that you can use as a template:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am reaching out concerning an objection lodged against my company’s strike-off application, currently under review by Companies House.
It is my interest to obtain the identity and contact details of the individual or organisation responsible for the objection.
The company in question is [Company Name], operating under the registered number [Company Number]. Swift provision of the requested information will be invaluable as it will enable me to take immediate, appropriate measures to address the objection, hence facilitating the progression of the strike-off process.
I am appreciative of your cooperation and assistance regarding this issue. I eagerly await your prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
Alternatively, you can submit an online enquiry through the Companies House website.
Their online contact form allows you to specify your request, giving you a convenient way to reach out without needing to send a physical letter.
You would need to provide the same details as in the letter and wait for their response.
However, remember that as per data protection laws and guidelines, Companies House may not disclose the objector’s identity unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
If the objection is based on the ground of an ongoing legal dispute, it may be beneficial to consult with a legal expert to understand your options.
Legal advisors can help you navigate through this process, ensuring that you act in accordance with the law and take the steps that are most likely to result in a favourable outcome.
What is an Objection to a Strike-Off?
An objection to a strike-off, also known as a ‘halt to the dissolution’ or a suspended dissolution, occurs when someone with a vested interest in the company opposes its dissolution.
This could be a creditor, an employee, a director, a shareholder, or even a member of the public.
An objection essentially brings the dissolution process to a standstill, buying the objector some time to address their concerns.
Companies House is obliged to consider any objections and make a decision based on the merits of the argument put forward by the objector.
Objections usually arise when the objector believes the company should not be struck off because it is still trading, has outstanding debts, or is involved in legal proceedings.
The objection effectively halts the strike-off process until the matter is resolved.
In the meantime, the company remains active and must fulfil all its regular duties and responsibilities, including tax filings and compliance with reporting requirements.
If the objection is upheld, the company remains on the register, and the strike-off process is paused until the dispute has been resolved or the objection has been withdrawn.
This can lead to a period of uncertainty and can place a burden on the company’s resources, so it’s important to address any objections as quickly and effectively as possible.
What Reasons Can People Use to Object a Strike-Off?
There are several reasons why someone might object to a company being struck off.
These reasons usually relate to unresolved issues that need to be addressed before the company can be legally dissolved.
- The company is still trading or carrying on a business: If a company is actively trading, it should not be struck off. This is because striking off a company effectively erases it from the register, and a trading company should not be erased.
- The company has unpaid debts or liabilities: Creditors may object to a strike-off to ensure they have the best chance of recovering the money owed to them.
- The company is involved in legal proceedings: If a company is subject to any legal disputes, it should not be dissolved until these are resolved. This could include ongoing court cases, disputes with employees or partners, or investigations by regulatory bodies.
- The company has not complied with dissolution procedures: This could be due to not notifying all interested parties about the proposed strike-off. Proper procedure must be followed when applying for a strike-off, and objections can be raised if there has been a failure to comply with these requirements.
These are some of the most common reasons for objections to a strike-off, but there could be other specific situations that might lead to an objection.
It’s always a good idea to consult with a legal expert to fully understand the implications of an objection and to plan your next steps.
Is it Possible for Someone to Confidentially Object to a Strike-Off?
Yes, it is possible for someone to confidentially object to a strike-off.
However, this doesn’t mean that their identity will always be kept confidential.
The objector can request Companies House to keep their details private, but this may not always be granted, especially if the company subject to strike-off requests this information or there are legal proceedings involved.
It’s worth noting that confidential objections can complicate the process, as it might be more challenging to address the concerns raised by the objector if you do not know who they are.
In these situations, it’s particularly important to ensure you have sound legal advice, as you will need to address the objection in general terms and demonstrate to Companies House that the strike-off should go ahead.
It’s also worth noting that even if an objector requests confidentiality, their identity may become apparent through the nature of their objection.
For example, if the objection is due to an unpaid debt, it’s likely that the objector is one of the company’s creditors.
What Happens When Your Company Strike-Off is Objected?
If an objection is made to your company’s strike-off, the dissolution process is immediately halted.
The company will remain on the register, and it will continue to have the same responsibilities as any other company, including filing annual accounts.
The objector must present their case to Companies House, who will decide whether the strike-off should continue or not.
If Companies House upholds the objection, the company will not be struck off until the objection is withdrawn or resolved.
The time this process takes can vary greatly, depending on the nature of the objection and how quickly it can be resolved.
In some cases, it may be a matter of settling a debt or providing additional information to Companies House.
In others, it may require legal proceedings or more complex resolutions.
It’s essential to keep up with your regular duties during this time, as failure to do so could result in penalties or further complications.
This can be a stressful time, but it’s important to remember that with the right advice and approach, it’s possible to navigate through this and come out the other side with your company’s dissolution.
Final Notes On Finding Out Who Objected to Your Company Strike Off
In conclusion, finding out who objected to your company’s strike-off can be a challenge due to confidentiality and data protection issues.
However, it is possible to get this information from Companies House under certain circumstances.
Regardless of the identity of the objector, the important thing is to resolve the objection so the dissolution process can proceed.
It’s also crucial to maintain compliance with your regular duties during this time, as failure to do so could result in penalties or further complications.
Remember to always take appropriate legal advice when facing an objection to strike-off.
Understanding the reasons behind the objection and the correct procedures to follow will ensure the smooth running of your business operations during this uncertain period.
Finally, while it can be frustrating to face an objection to your company’s strike-off, it’s important to see it as an opportunity to address any unresolved issues and ensure everything is in order before the company is dissolved.
With the right approach, you can navigate through this challenge and achieve a successful dissolution of your company.