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What is a Compulsory Strike-Off?

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What is a Compulsory Strike-Off?

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Compulsory strike-off is a term many business owners may come across, but few understand its full implications.

This concept is significant in corporate law and can have lasting impacts on a company and its directors. 

What is a Compulsory Strike-Off?

A compulsory strike-off, often termed as mandatory dissolution, is an administrative procedure enacted by a jurisdiction’s company registry to dissolve a company that is no longer active or complying with its statutory obligations.

In the UK, Companies House executes this process. The objective is to maintain the integrity of the business registry by removing dormant or non-compliant companies.

The term “strike-off” relates to the act of removing a company’s name from the Companies House register.

After a compulsory strike-off, a company ceases to exist, and it’s no longer able to trade or carry out business activities.

It’s worth noting that it’s a legal process and certain conditions must be fulfilled for it to occur.

What Can Cause a Compulsory Strike-Off?

There are several triggers for a compulsory strike-off. It’s initiated when Companies House has reason to believe that a business isn’t operational anymore.

This belief might be due to the company failing to submit necessary documents, such as annual accounts or a confirmation statement, within the stipulated deadlines.

Other causes can be a company’s persistent failure to pay taxes or a neglect of statutory communications from Companies House.

Notably, an unpaid fine or lack of a registered office can also lead to compulsory strike-off.

In essence, non-compliance with any corporate governance norms can trigger a compulsory strike-off.

Related Post: Is Compulsory Strike-Off Bad?

Can You Stop a Compulsory Strike-Off From Happening to Your Company?

Yes, it is possible to halt a compulsory strike-off procedure if your company meets specific criteria.

If the company is still trading and has merely been negligent in filing necessary documents or paying taxes, you can object to the strike-off.

An objection needs to be submitted to Companies House before the strike-off occurs. Usually, creditors, directors, or any member of the company can object.

The objection should include a valid reason for the company’s previous non-compliance, such as an administrative oversight, and a clear plan for rectifying the issue.

If Companies House accepts the objection, they’ll suspend the strike-off process, providing the company with time to rectify its non-compliance.

How Does a Compulsory Strike-Off Work? What is the Process?

  1. First Gazette notice: Companies House will send a first Gazette notice to the registered office of the company, indicating their intention to strike off the company.
  2. Waiting period: Companies House will wait for at least two months from the date of the first Gazette notice.
  3. Second Gazette notice: If no objection has been raised during the waiting period, a second notice, the ‘final Gazette notice’, will be published.
  4. Company dissolution: Two months after the final notice, if no objections have been received, the company is officially struck off the register and ceases to exist.

What is a Gazette Notice for Compulsory Strike-Off?

A Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off is an official announcement published in the Gazette, the UK’s official public record.

The notice declares Companies House’s intention to remove a company from the register, and it gives the company and its stakeholders an opportunity to object.

There are two types of Gazette notices related to compulsory strike-off: the first Gazette notice and the final Gazette notice.

The former is an initial warning, while the latter is a final declaration that the company is about to be struck off the register if no objections are made.

Related: How to Strike Off a Limited Company Online.

How Long Does a Compulsory Strike-Off Take?

The length of the compulsory strike-off process depends on several factors, including whether objections are raised.

However, in a straightforward case where no objections are made, it can take approximately four to six months from the time of the first Gazette notice to the final strike-off.

The timeline consists of a two-month waiting period after the first Gazette notice, followed by another two-month waiting period after the final notice.

These waiting periods are designed to provide ample time for objections to be raised and issues to be rectified.

Related Post: How Long Does it Take to Strike Off a Company?

What Are the Consequences for Company Directors of a Compulsory Strike-Off?

When a company is struck off, the directors face serious repercussions.

Not only can they lose any assets remaining in the company, but they might also be disqualified from acting as directors.

If they continue to trade while the company is struck off, they can become personally liable for the company’s debts.

Moreover, if it’s proven that the directors deliberately avoided paying creditors before the strike-off, they could face severe penalties, including personal liability for company debts, fines, and even imprisonment.

Related: Compulsory Strike-Off Action Has Been Discontinued.

What Happens to Debts After a Compulsory Strike-Off?

After a compulsory strike-off, the company’s outstanding debts often become uncollectible.

The company no longer exists legally, and therefore, it can’t be pursued for debt repayment.

However, in some circumstances, the company can be restored to the register, at which point it can again be liable for its debts.

In instances where directors have been found guilty of wrongful trading or fraudulent activity, they can be held personally liable for the company’s debts.

What Happens to Creditors During a Compulsory Strike-Off?

Creditors are significantly impacted by a compulsory strike-off.

When a company is dissolved, its creditors lose their ability to recover their debts through the usual debt recovery processes.

However, if they weren’t notified about the strike-off, they could apply to have the company restored to the register, enabling them to pursue their debts.

What Happens to Assets After a Compulsory Strike-Off?

When a company is struck off, all remaining assets, including cash in the bank, equipment, and intellectual property, become property of the Crown.

This is referred to as ‘bona vacantia’, or ownerless property.

The Crown can sell these assets and keep the proceeds. However, former company owners or directors can’t claim these assets once the company has been struck off.

What is the Difference Between a Compulsory and a Voluntary Strike-Off?

The primary difference between a compulsory and a voluntary strike-off is who initiates the process.

In a compulsory strike-off, it’s initiated by Companies House due to the company’s failure to meet statutory obligations.

On the other hand, a voluntary strike-off is initiated by the company itself, usually when the directors decide to cease trading and dissolve the company.

A voluntary strike-off typically involves a simpler and quicker process, and it avoids many of the negative repercussions associated with a compulsory strike-off.

Note – You might also find this post useful, asking: What is a Voluntary Strike-Off?

What Can You Do if You Are Served a Gazette First Notice Letter?

If you’re served with a first Gazette notice letter, you should act immediately.

If the company is still operational, you have the right to object to the strike-off.

You should immediately rectify any non-compliance, such as submitting late documents or paying overdue taxes, and then formally object to the strike-off with Companies House.

Even if the company is not operational and you agree with the strike-off, it’s still essential to address any remaining liabilities, close down operations properly, and notify all stakeholders.

It’s advisable to seek legal advice to ensure you’re meeting all your obligations.

What is a Compulsory Strike-Off? Some Final Notes

A compulsory strike-off is a serious matter, with significant implications for the company, its directors, creditors, and other stakeholders.

It’s crucial to understand the reasons why Companies House might initiate this process, and what actions you can take if faced with this situation.

Keeping on top of your statutory obligations and maintaining open communication with Companies House can prevent the initiation of a compulsory strike-off process.

If you’re served with a Gazette notice, immediate action is required to protect your interests. Always consult with a legal professional to understand your options and obligations better.

Maintaining a company in good standing isn’t just about ensuring its survival but also about protecting directors and stakeholders’ interests.

The compulsory strike-off process is designed to maintain the integrity of the business registry, but understanding it can also guide you to better business compliance.

Avoid Compulsory Strike-Off with Marchford: Your Trusted Business Lifeline

Are you a director of a struggling limited company facing the threat of a compulsory strike-off?

Don’t navigate these murky waters alone. At Marchford, we specialise in supporting businesses just like yours.

Our team of experts is well-versed in corporate governance norms and strike-off procedures.

We can help you understand your rights, rectify non-compliances, and, if needed, craft an effective objection against the strike-off.

Don’t wait for the next Gazette notice – the time to act is now! Contact a member of the Marchford team today.

For free confidential advice, get in touch today.


Hannah Paull

Hannah Paull

Hannah Paull is a co-director at Marchford with over 25 years experience as a trained accountant, including lecturing the AAT Accounting Qualification. After specialising in company closures and insolvency, Hannah has, for the last 5 years helped hundreds of directors of struggling limited companies with a wide range of solutions including company closures.


Hannah Paull

Hannah Paull

Hannah Paull is a co-director at Marchford with over 25 years experience as a trained accountant, including lecturing the AAT Accounting Qualification. After specialising in company closures and insolvency, Hannah has, for the last 5 years helped hundreds of directors of struggling limited companies with a wide range of solutions including company closures.
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